Help Hungers by Direct Message

Coming Soon!

Help Hungers Direct Message (HHDM) is a non-profit organization dedicated
to facilitating direct connections between donors and individuals worldwide
who are facing hunger. Our mission is to eliminate the need for intermediaries,
ensuring that donations directly benefit those in need.

Our primary objective is to direct donations exclusively to government-approved food banks,
where recipients will receive a maximum of $50.00 worth of food each month.

The goal of HHDM is straightforward: if you donate $50, we guarantee that $50 worth
of food will be delivered to the recipients. We are committed
to ensuring that every dollar donated is utilized for providing food to those in need.

At HHDM, we provide donors with the opportunity to personally select and qualify
hunger qualifiers. To offer transparency and accountability, donors
can verify the direct impact of their contributions by receiving food and
family photographs with each donation. To promote fairness and equitable
distribution, we have implemented a maximum monthly limit of $50.00 per family.

Our unwavering commitment lies in ensuring that every donation contributes directly to enhancing the well-being of the recipients.